Android Devices

Discussion about devices operating on Android including unlocking your device

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Forum Posts

Unlocking your EE mobile phone or device

We often see posts in the community about phone and device unlocking. So here's a quick guide on how to get your phone or device unlocked on EE.   Here are some quick facts.   All devices sold directly on EE since December 2021 are unlocked.   All Ap...

James_B by EE Community Manager
  • 91 replies
  • 28 Helpful

Resolved! Galaxy A20e

I am experiencing problems with my phone. I can receive txt messages and I can ring contacts but no one can ring me - its says this person is not available at the moment.... I have tried turning it off and on again but still experiencing the same thi...

Samsung Gallaxt A33

I have a gallaxy phone it is only six mounths old . today the screen has gone blanki have tried to switch it off unsucssesfully. the sctreen flashes some pixelsevery couple of minuits . Any ideas

Unlocking huawei p30 pro

I’m trying to unlock my sons phone. It used to be his mums on contract but the contract has ended. I’ve tried to unlock it on the ee website but it says something has gone wrong and to try again. It’s been doing that for over a month now, his mum cal...

Google home hub

Dose anyone know how to connect a Google home hub to huawie Pro 20 phone which has got a dater sim card in I have tried my personal hotspot thank you Tony 

Samsung Galaxy 5 Smartwatch

I've just received my new Samsung Galaxy 5 Smartwatch. How do I activate the new lan which comes as part of the package? At the moment, it seems to be sharing my phone plan.

Eo66 by Investigator
  • 4 replies
  • 0 Helpful