14-11-2024 05:38 PM
There is no sound when whatever show we're watching comes back after the adverts. Any ideas why? Thanks
15-11-2024 08:47 AM
Hi there @Kjw22
Welcome to the community 🙂
Do you use a sound system?
Are you able to try watching discovery+ on another device, to see if you have sound?
15-11-2024 08:51 AM
Hi Leanne
23-11-2024 12:30 PM
Having the same problem
23-11-2024 12:32 PM
I’m having the same problem. I use a sound system. Optical output from TV to speakers.
24-11-2024 09:48 AM
Hi @eeandyee
Welcome to the community.
Does the same thing happen if you have the optical output switched off and just use the TV speakers?
Are you seeing the same thing happen on other devices?
24-11-2024 12:44 PM
Thanks. I have swapped the sound to the internal TV audio and the issue still occurs. After the advert, once the sound has gone, if you rewind to before the advert would have begun then play from there (now without the advert kicking in) the sound stays on.
This doesn’t happen if I watch something on my MacBook, the sound stays on after the adverts.
24-11-2024 02:03 PM
Thanks for the update @eeandyee
Are you watching through the EE TV box or the app on a Smart TV? If it is the box, which one do you have?
24-11-2024 04:08 PM
Through the EE TV box though I also have a smart tv. I don’t know if I can get the plus app there but will try. Still, it should work properly on the ee box when plugged into a tv surely.
24-11-2024 05:05 PM
I'm watching through the EE tb box and a smart TV too.