29-11-2023 10:26 AM
I recently visited the Loughborough Store. I received assistance with a new sim. After I left I became concerned about two my unlocked phone was taken into the back of the store for some time. Also I was photographed on the store assistant's phone. Subsequently I have been cloned. Did the store follow correct protocols or am I correct on my concerns.
29-11-2023 10:40 AM
Hi @Graham196,
Yuur post is a little confusing. Why did you attend the store, and why was your unlocked phone taken to the back of the store?
How do you know the store assistant photgraphed you, they would have had no reason to take your photo?
29-11-2023 11:02 AM
I went for a new SIM card for a new phone. EE customer support had told me to do that. The assistant was very directed said he needed to take my photo for security. I was asked to unlock my phone and the. They said they needed to take it into the back to check on their machine if it was working. As soon as the assistant took it into the back 2 others followed him. It was only later that I realised how strange all of this was. I have since been cloned and want to raise my security concerns. But EE just told me to talk to the store manage.
29-11-2023 02:34 PM
Thanks for getting back to us @Graham196.
I'm sorry that the process wasn't explained before taking the photograph. The in-store photograph is part of the SIM replacement process and is used to match the likeness of your photo ID to reduce fraud risk.
I understand that not everyone would be comfortable with this.
Please could you provide more details on what you mean by your phone being cloned?
Speak soon,
29-11-2023 02:59 PM
My phone line stopped working. My sim was cloned I contacted EE who informed me someone (not me) had applied for a new sim. I was told to go to store and get a new Sim. I have just done this now waiting for the line to be reinstated by EE.