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Using EE site the bill shown is for the previous account not the current account


Just noticed this morning that when using the website there is a slightly worrying error. I'm presuming it's down to the use of cookies and these cookies containing account information that isn't cleared when the current user logs out - rather defeats the point of logging IMO.

So to recreate ensure you have at least two EE billing accounts. Log into your first account and go to the billing page, it should show the last payment amount taken, make a note of this. Now view your latest bill, i.e. download the PDF, check the amount taken and the billing information (Name, account number) then goto your profile and log out.

Do not close the browser tab you have open just log in using the other account, everything looks correct at this point. Go to your billing page, the last payment taken displays and should be different to the one you noted, above. Now view your latest bill and check the amount taken and the account details - oh oh this isn't the bill for the currently logged in account it's for the previous account!

It's not a caching issue with the PDF download as a new download is initiated, it could be a caching issue on the server as regards the generation of the PDF perhaps?

Shame there's no way to report software errors to EE. Surprised this wasn't picked up by their QA or automation processes as they should be using multiple accounts for their testing, no one would be silly enough to just test using only one account...

EE Community Support Team

Hi @treaclepumpkin 

Welcome to the community.

Thank you for reporting this to us. I've passed this information on to the relevant team so that they can look into it further.
