21-09-2024 03:59 PM
my dad used to pay for my phone bill however now i do not talk to him so i need to purchase a new sim card but i also want to keep my phone number, how do i do this?
22-09-2024 10:26 AM
Hi @elliedeakin
Welcome to the community.
Is the number currently in your dad's name?
Is it current on a contract or pay as you go account with EE?
22-09-2024 10:53 AM
22-09-2024 11:09 AM
Do you know if he has cancelled it outright or requested a PAC to move the number? @elliedeakin
If it is due to be cancelled on the 29th, he would need to cancel that request, then our customer service guides can either arrange a change of ownership to move the number to your name, or he can request a PAC so you can move the number elsewhere.
It would need to be something that your dad starts either way as we'd not be able to do it with you without his authorisation.
22-09-2024 11:12 AM
22-09-2024 11:17 AM
@elliedeakin That does sound like it would be a complete cancellation. You would need to speak to your dad if you wanted to stop that and discuss the options.
22-09-2024 11:19 AM
22-09-2024 11:21 AM
@elliedeakin If it is set to disconnect on the 29th, you'd lose the number and service on the SIM on that date.
22-09-2024 11:23 AM
22-09-2024 11:24 AM
That's right @elliedeakin. If the cancellation was to be stopped it can only be requested by the account holder, so that would be your dad.