01-12-2022 09:13 PM
Hi, I need your help getting my phone number activate again.
so I originally did a esim transfer from my old phone to my new phone but I noticed that I did something wrong as I was getting notification on my old phone and not the new one. So I reset my new phone and did a new set up. But now I can’t make or receives calls.
Please advised
01-12-2022 09:36 PM
@T5 You need to request a replacement SIM card. You can go to a store with photo ID to do this or call customer services to request one. When you have that sim and it’s activated you can move your number to the eSim.
01-12-2022 10:37 PM
I didn’t have an ESIM before. What i was trying to do was to transfer the things from my old phone to the new one but instead of doing it from the iCloud. I went and did an ESIM quick transfer instead of my contacts and this as now caused issues for my using sim in my new phone. I am still getting notification on the new one so I was told to reset my new back to manufacture setting and by doing this my sim now won’t work on either phones.
02-12-2022 08:29 AM
Hi @T5
You could try speaking to our Mobile Care team so that they can check everything from our side. They'll be in the best position to advise you going forward.
02-12-2022 10:07 AM