20-05-2023 01:24 PM
Hi from EE. Sorry , due to your account status for xxxxxxxxxxxx we are not able to process your request. Please log into ee.co.uk/myee or call 150 to request your switching information, PAC or STAC. Find out more at ee.co.uk/leavingus Thanks
I kinda feel that EE does that on purpose..
My contract ends in 14 days and I have already given 30 day notice , but EE still wants me to call them to get
PAC number...
OFCOM says this:
"Your provider will reply by text within a minute. They will send you your switching code, called a ‘PAC’, which will be valid for 30 days. Their reply must also include important information – such as any charges that you have to pay if you’re leaving your contract early; or your credit balance, if you’re a pay-as-you-go customer.
You can also request your PAC via your online account on your provider's website. When you do this, your provider must provide your PAC within one minute, just as they would if you requested it by text."
Ive also tried to get PAC ( just to see if it works) 6 moths ago, and then 3 months ago and it always the same replay, so its hard to believe that somenthing isnt working/faulty on their end...
When I go to my account settings,then leave EE I get this:
Not your fault - something went wrong our end. Hit refresh or come back later when we’ve fixed thing"
Really? After more than 6 months still something went wrong?:))
Any ideas?
Thank you
20-05-2023 01:39 PM
20-05-2023 03:14 PM
Thanks for your replay.
1. I have only 1 number.
2. I gave 30 -days notice because I dont want to renew or continue with it, instead I decided to switch to PAYG (EE) . But now Ive changed my mind and Ill be going elswhere and I want to take my number with me.
3. Ive tried to get PAC 6 moths ago and 3 months ago and I had the same problems, so It doesnt look it has anything to do with me giving them 30 days notice.
20-05-2023 03:40 PM
Hi @rolkiz
Thanks for coming here.
Please give us a call on 150 and the team will be happy to help you with the PAC.
20-05-2023 04:25 PM
Thanks, but If I wanted to call you and waste my time listening some music , I would have done it by now.
I would rather call OFCOM
20-05-2023 04:32 PM
Which doesn't handle individual complaints.
20-05-2023 04:33 PM
Hi @rolkiz
This will need looked into for you by our mobile care team. Please give us a call when you get the chance and they will be happy to help.
Leanne 🙂
20-05-2023 04:55 PM
Yes I know that, I dont expect them to solve my personal problems .
I just gonna let them know what is happening and hopefully one day it will be sorted for everyone
21-05-2023 06:45 AM
Morning @rolkiz
The error you are seeing when requesting the PAC is an account issue and will need to be reported to our mobile care team to be resolved. If you call us on 150, the team will be able to issue you a PAC for the number.