29-07-2024 10:40 AM
have just moved 2 mobile phones to EE. Today is the first day the old numbers have been ported over.
I have used my phone several times this morning and it works fine.
If I phone my wife I get the message Welcome to Voicemail the person you are calling is not available. Her phone is switched on.
If I try and use her phone it says not registered on the network. If I try and register on the network it says unable to register oin the network.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
29-07-2024 10:52 AM
Were your numbers ported in on Friday 26th? Or are they being ported in today, Monday 29th?
If Friday, have you received notification of port-in success? Contact CS either way - they have access to your individual account.
If today, hold fire - split service is entirely to be expected on port-in day and usually resolves by late-afternoon/early-evening.
29-07-2024 10:54 AM
They were done today I would say. I havent received notificatio from EE.
Whats CS?
29-07-2024 11:05 AM
Today I think. No notification received. Whats CS?
Just tried again and I can phone her no and she can phone mine but no signal.
No data/internet.
29-07-2024 11:06 AM
FYI you have a short-time after posting to "edit" your posts.
It would be highly unusual for a port-in to complete by 11am. CS = Customer Services.
29-07-2024 11:48 AM
How do I contact CS?
29-07-2024 11:51 AM
@woldsweather , you can ring customer service by pressing 150 on your phone or by using another phone or the free number in my signature using something like Skype.
29-07-2024 08:09 PM
Have now received notification that the transfer has gone through. Have switched my wifes phone off and on but still no datas/internet.
Wilkl have to ring them tomorrow.
30-07-2024 11:13 AM
Good morning @woldsweather 😊
With any port, we recommend it can take up until midnight of the port date for this to fully complete.
Have you had a chance to check her phone this morning?
30-07-2024 11:24 AM
Yes still no data/internet.