How to get network unlock code?


I have a No Frills pay monthly SIM Card for my S8 phone but the phone was damaged and is unusable, I have managed to salvage the SIM card and have put it in my new phone (S10) but it says it has a "Network lock" and that the phone isn't allowed to use this SIM card.

How do I get the network unlock code?


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Hey @Strider2,

Sounds like the device itself is locked to a different network provider. 

The safest way to unlock the device to all networks is to contact the network provider that is locked to, as you or the person that provided you with the device don’t know who that network is. 
two options are: - 

a) try different network SIM cards to see if any works (three, o2, Vodafone, virgin) most others piggy back off one of the main networks but should accept the main ones then call and try to get the device unlocked, they may need some information about the device like IMIE number etc.

b) seek help from a 3rd party phone repair shop, for a fee they maybe able to open the device to all networks, however personally I would avoid this way and try (a) as this way there could create issues or faults… can be very unsafe. 

hope this helps 👌


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EE Community Support Team

Hi @Strider2

Welcome to the community. 

Are you aware what network your Samsung S10 is locked to?



Hi, I don't know what network the S10 is locked to if any, the person who gave it to me said they don't know either. Is it possible the SIM was locked to the S8 and that's why it won't work on the S10?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Strider2

This sounds like the phone is not unlocked to all networks. 

The SIM used in your S8 should work in any device that is an EE device or a device unlocked to all networks. 


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Expert Contributor

Hey @Strider2,

Sounds like the device itself is locked to a different network provider. 

The safest way to unlock the device to all networks is to contact the network provider that is locked to, as you or the person that provided you with the device don’t know who that network is. 
two options are: - 

a) try different network SIM cards to see if any works (three, o2, Vodafone, virgin) most others piggy back off one of the main networks but should accept the main ones then call and try to get the device unlocked, they may need some information about the device like IMIE number etc.

b) seek help from a 3rd party phone repair shop, for a fee they maybe able to open the device to all networks, however personally I would avoid this way and try (a) as this way there could create issues or faults… can be very unsafe. 

hope this helps 👌


@Katie_BHow would I go about unlocking the S10?

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the sim won’t be locked to a device unless you had activated sim lock on your previous phone and you input a number to activate it. It would have been a 4-6 digit number you would have had to type in, if you did not activate the sim pin on old device then my guess is that the new device is locked to a different provider as I explained above 👌

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Online it says you can try and find out through settings, try 

  • Open "Settings"
  • Select "General"
  • Select "About"
  • Scroll down to see "Carrier Lock" or "Network Provider Lock" If it says the name of a carrier, that means your phone is locked to carrier and it won't be able to accept a new carrier until this is changed.
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Reply to my own lol I just tried steps above and it works for iPhone 👌 it does show if the phone is locked to a network or not 👌


@Eddy2760Hi, Thank you Ed managed to figure out it was locked to Vodafone and got the unlock code from them.