17-10-2024 07:35 PM
Hi, im currently an employee for EE but when trying to apply the discount onto a 24month sim only contract (the 50gb data for £18 a month deal) it tells me that my code is invalid. I have generated 2 codes and neither of them work can someone help me please? i want to switch to EE.
17-10-2024 07:43 PM
@imzolf No one here can help you with this you’ll need to speak with customer support. This isn’t live chat and there is no access to your account from here.
21-10-2024 05:51 PM
Hi, not sure if this is the right post to be writing on. I was an employee of T-Mobile back in 2008 and had f&f discount which was originally 50% but then moved to 30%. I went into the store a few days ago to upgrade my phone with a very helpful agent but just checked my bill and it would seem that f&f has not been carried over. I called 150 and spoke with an assistant who asked me for a code. I tried to explain that I was on the legacy code and this was meant for a lifetime being an employee. I'm not sure what to do as he seemed to think this wasn't the case and only the code is being accepted. Could someone offer some advice on how to go about this as it's really disappointing that old employees are not being considered anymore especially.
22-10-2024 10:27 AM
Welcome to the community.
I know how eager you'll be to get this all sorted out and your discount back in place.
I'm so sorry for the confusion when calling us; this is absolutely the right thing to do. Our team over the phone can send a follow-up to the relevant area to get this investigated.
Please contact us back and ask our team to send this off for you.
Let us know how it goes.
Linzi 😊