Is it better to not Upgrade? - Loyalty / Discounts


Hi All,

New Forum user here (but long time EE / Orange customer) 

My current SIMO is up for renewal next month and I’ve had a look online and since I got a decent Loyalty discount last time round, no deal is anywhere near what I’m paying - they also can’t give any discount on retentions 

I was however, told that if I don’t upgrade it will just roll over at the existing price with the Loyalty discounts still active. I am not sure this info is correct as I thought they only stay active for minimum term, so I phoned back and checked again, to be told they will stay on. So with this info, there is zero benefit to upgrading and renewing the contract 


can anyone confirm this info to be correct, as I’m still not sure it is, even after checking with two agents 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

No-one on here has access to your individual account to verify specifics, but the concept of a contract being "up for renewal" is a popular falsehood.

Service provision contracts are ongoing, they're not fixed term ones, but come with a minimum term. If any discounts are not time-limited, then if you do nothing - nothing changes.