10-09-2022 05:20 PM
I have just upgraded my phone and started a new contract, and have selected BT Sport as my Smart Benefit. I had this previously, and paid the extra £5 per month to use it on my Apple Tv on my large screen tv at home. I notice this offer is still listed on the EE website, but I cannot find out how to activate it anywhere!
Can I get it started by sending a message to 150?
I have already sent SPORT to 150, and the reply I got was "You currently have BT Sport Ultimate as a smart benefit. For more info details etc etc
No mention of the large screen option anywhere.
Please help, as I really want to watch the Rugby!!!
11-09-2022 07:18 AM - edited 11-09-2022 07:19 AM
Hi @IronDNKY
Have you tried watching BT Sport on the big screen to see if this is still active?
13-09-2022 09:02 PM
Having exactly the same problem here... and no it's not still active on the big screen. I get a message saying I need to upgrade my subscription
14-09-2022 08:16 AM
14-09-2022 09:14 AM
HI Chris,
Yes, as per the original message on this thread, when you text SPORT to 150 all you get is the following message.
'You currently have BT Sport Ultimate as a smart benefit. For more info and details about BT Sport Ultimate
This link just takes you to a simple guide about accessing BT Sport and seeing what's on. Not helpful in the slightest for the large screen issue.
From the amount of BT Sport large screen threads in this community forum, there is clearly an issue on EE's part with the 150 messaging route.
I signed up a few years ago using 150 and it was simple. Something has changed and it needs someone to pick it up and sort it.
14-09-2022 09:25 AM
Thanks for confirming, @Jashman10.
I've seen a few people mention the same thing over the last couple of days so I've reached out to the BT Sport team to make them aware, if they aren't already.
In the mean time, I'd recommend speaking to our Mobile Care team so that they can add it for you from our side.
Thanks for feeding this back.
16-09-2022 10:32 PM
As you have BT Sport Ultimate as a smart benefit you can watch this on the large screen with the best viewing experience possible with BT Sport Ultimate for just £5 p/m by replying YES. For more info and details about BT Sport Ultimate
After sending YES
We're sorry. To get free access to the BT Sport app you need to be on an EE pay monthly mobile, SIM only or tablet plan. To find out more, visit ee.co.uk/btsport
Is anyone having the same problem…???
16-09-2022 10:34 PM
Same here. They sorted the initial bit out when you text 'SPORT' to 150, but the follow up confirmation once you say 'YES' is where it's going wrong now
17-09-2022 02:07 PM
Glad it’s not just me, hope EE/BT sort it out soon!
13-01-2023 07:07 PM
I get this too, however it's says £10 p/m?
In the app when I click on the info link it states £5 p/m?
I don't want to reply YES and get charged £10, when my account says it should be £5.. Anyone had this problem?