Hacked and phone reported stolen
My ex hacked my phone service and reported my phone stolen.. now I'm unable to get service on my S24+ because imei is bad.. what do I do? I've tried calling my old provider and my info been removed
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
My ex hacked my phone service and reported my phone stolen.. now I'm unable to get service on my S24+ because imei is bad.. what do I do? I've tried calling my old provider and my info been removed
When I need to schedule a service at the Portuguese consulate in London. There is a platform that we have access to, to authenticate access the consulate sends us the Digital Mobile Key security code. However, I am not receiving this code on my cell ...
Hi I have the same problem - how did you get your problem solved?
Hello, I can't receive authentication codes from Portugal Gov, and seems like other phone services are okay, any help regarding this?
When I Save a Voicemail how can they be retrieved. Simply put is there a keypad option to listen to saved voicemails (ie an area dedicated solely for saved voicemail) or is the save option merely a flag to keep it avaible for 7 days – which seems ...
My EE sim isn't working in Nigeria, it's just displaying 'Emergency calls only'.
Did you ever get this sorted, I’m having the same issue
I have forwarded my calls to a Local number, I am now abroad and want to change that number. Please explain how I can do this through My EE website. Thank you.