03-08-2024 09:06 AM
Please can you tell me if there is a problem using the 7726 spam reporting number to forward texts.
Every time I send a message it just bounces back.
The last time I was able to successfully send a message to the number was June 2021.
I have seen in another post about saving the number in contacts but this doesn't fix the issue even though it's marked as a solution
03-08-2024 09:29 AM
What message do you get back? The service works, but your phone could be blocking numbers it thinks are premium rate, for example.
A screenshot of the error might be useful?
05-08-2024 01:11 PM
The only message I get is that it could not be sent and it sits there in the message list for the 7726 number with not sent under it
This was the case on my old phone also so don't think it's a phone issue. It's just now I'm getting the chance to sit down and figure it out
I used to just get the alert in Google messages about a possible spam and clicking yes would automatically forward the details on and for some reason it just stopped
05-08-2024 02:30 PM
Hi @tmobuser,
Welcome to the EE Community 🙂
Sorry you are having an issue with sending messages to the 7726 number. With you mentioning using Google Messages spam function in the past but it stopped working, if you go into Google Messages, tap your profile at the top right, tap Message Settings then tap Spam protection, is this still enabled?
Within the spam message itself that you want to report if you tap the 3 dots in the top right, are you able to Block and report spam from the menu there and does it then show the message sent in the 7726 message history?
05-08-2024 02:57 PM
If you are flagging messages as spam in Google Messages, that should do the spam reporting for you, and there should be no need to also forward to 7726 I assume?
I seem to remember that when you do send to 7726, there's a pop up about possible charges. I wonder if it's been blocked and it remembers the selection, and then denies future messages? I can't work out where that setting may be though, so it may not be an issue.
05-08-2024 03:45 PM
Yes the spam protection is on and I can see the history which is how I managed to see the exact date I last sent one successfully.
It shows all the messages I've tried to send\report since June 2021 with none of them sending
I tested @chistery theory about the possible charges message by unblocking a number\text and then re-reporting and I had the box come up about charges but the only options were yes or cancel no option to remember selection or anything and that message still didn't get through
05-08-2024 03:47 PM
Android has am OS-level option to give an on-screen warning of potential charges when texting a shortcode number not in 07xxx format.
Search your phone settings for "use premium".
05-08-2024 03:48 PM
Thanks for testing, 😀
Are you on PAYG or Contract? My other thought would be no credit or a spend limit of £0 stops it, even though it's not charged, but again, that's just a guess.
05-08-2024 03:56 PM
Thanks @bristolian That's what I was thinking before but couldn't find it. I now see it on my Samsung but not a Xiaomi (probably called something else)
05-08-2024 04:04 PM
I have a setting called premium SMS access but that is already set to allow