Annoying icon about voicemail not set up
Hi, everything I open my phone it says. Voicemail not set up. How can I delete this message. Thanks.Ps. I don't want voicemail.
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Hi, everything I open my phone it says. Voicemail not set up. How can I delete this message. Thanks.Ps. I don't want voicemail.
I paid when landed for 8mb in egypt data allowance and 3 time said this was used immediately without using my phone can someone advise me o. this please
Anybody else struggling to see their allowances but get charged for going over their international call allowance ?? EE you guys are a joke stop messing about with the re app this is the second time you have done it!
I'm currently abroad with roaming but no network coverage and the app and website are down unexpectedly with no communication on when it will be back.How can I speak with tech support urgently?
can you let me know how much data cost after 50gb in cancun mexico thanks joe
I recently upgraded the SIm Max roaming package for a new one with more data. ON my last trip to the US I could access 4g data fine, I could call UK numbers fine, I could text US numbers fine, and receive texts, but if I tried to CALL a US number, e....
after recent start to new contract my phone will not connect to certain numbers which i had no problems with on my old contract.The sim card has not been changed. The message i get is that phone cannot connect to this network, i have to phone this nu...
I purchased the rest of the world pack to be call my family abroad but anytime I try they tell me I have no credit to call despite having 100 minutes. Any attempts to reach customer care has proved futile