Resolved! Voicemail
Received a voicemail recently and deleted the message afterwards but can't get rid of the voicemail options afterwards.
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Received a voicemail recently and deleted the message afterwards but can't get rid of the voicemail options afterwards.
I recently sold my iPhone to music magpie and they have managed to lose it in transit. They need my original serial number of the phone but I sent in the original box. Where can I get the serial number of the mobile
Seriously? All self-respecting companies have text chats for communication, rather than calls, videos and posting. And this feature should be in a visible place with quick access!!! Lord, what year is it now (facepalm).
Safe search. I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, I'm not giving them credit card details and I don't have the time or patience to take id to a store.Can it simply be removed or do I have to change network and take EE to the small claims court for ...
Hello,I’ve seen many similar posts here. I recently came to Turkey and my phone does not have any reception. It was working just fine two months ago. I tried all the solutions offered in other threads, but none of them worked.Thanks!
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Canada for christmasif there a add on ? so i can use my data ect in canada without getting charged silly moneyis it worth setting a capCheers D B
Currently I’m in Germany, I have tried to top up I can’t I don’t why. Also I can’t send messages and calls. I tried to live chat but no possible