26-09-2022 05:40 PM
I got a £5 monthly discount because i got broadband with BT and was wondering when will this discount finish.
Also would like to know what are the steps to leave EE. And if i am in contract do i need to pay anything? When do i need to let them know? As they never answer the phone i am a bit worried.
26-09-2022 06:24 PM
@michita If your still within your contract period you’ll need to pay off that contract to the minimum term date. The discount you have will cease when you leave EE. You’ll have to call customer services to give 30 day’s notice to terminate that contract and you’ll be told the what you need to pay to terminate.
26-09-2022 06:35 PM
26-09-2022 07:01 PM
Text UP to 150 & add 45 days or look in your online MyEE under Plan Details.
26-09-2022 07:18 PM
26-09-2022 07:21 PM
What about UP?
26-09-2022 07:29 PM
26-09-2022 09:14 PM
@michita Open the my EE app and go to mobile plan ( it’s all the top ) then click view your plan details. It’ll say there when your plan started and when the minimum term is up.
26-09-2022 09:23 PM
26-09-2022 09:33 PM
After the min. term it just carries on at the same price on a rolling 30-days' notice basis until you explicitly cancel or upgrade. There will however be a 10% discount after 3 months.