Voicemail - where is the Spam folder?


If a blocked number can still leave a voicemail then EE ought to know it's blocked and send them to spam with No notifications. It's a standard feature on all modern apps. 
if they continue to ignore this then will defo be switching since all companies offer the same basic service,  except this is essential and it's not available...

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@gp711  EE don’t know it’s blocked as it’s a device setting not an EE network setting.
 The device is doing exactly what you have set it up to do. 

   It’s also not an app you download that might have features you setup to work in this way.    It’s the phone app that that allows you to make calls that’s all.  Ie it opens up the phone keypad and EE don’t have any control of how that pre built in app works. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

I don't know of any telecoms provider who offers a spam function on their voicemail.

Voice mailboxes are network features not app-ones. The only obvious exception is Apple visual voicemail which has a device-based UI.