11-10-2022 08:42 AM
For the past 10 I have been having problems with voicemail notification. When my phone is off or there is no reception and I get a call, when the phone is back on, voicemail alert me by text that there is a missed call but does not show the phone number of the Caller. So I don't know who called. It used to work fine all the time but for the past 10 days I have been experiencing this problem. I called the tech support who said they will look into this but up to now the problem still not fixed. My phone is moto e5 plus android. Hopefully someone can help with this here. Thanks
11-10-2022 11:36 AM
Hi @Spartabis
Welcome to the community.
Does it show as an unknown number and does this happen to every voicemail?
Have you tried turning voicemail off by texting VM OFF to 150, then back on by texting VM ON to 150?
11-10-2022 04:41 PM
hi. christopher
all it shows is my voicemail number which ends with 4444 at top and then a message saying that this person/number called at "the time" but it doesn't show the number of the person who called. it happens with every voice mail where ever the person left a voice messase or not.
11-10-2022 04:43 PM
by the way i have deactivated and re activated voicemail by dialling 150 and this did not help.
11-10-2022 04:50 PM
That sounds really strange, @Spartabis
I would recommend speaking with our technical support team so that they can investigate this further for you.
Let us know what happens please.
11-10-2022 06:39 PM
i will contact them again as it has been over a week now since informed them about the problem and so far it hasn't been fixed.
11-10-2022 06:41 PM
Keep us posted on what happens, @Spartabis.
11-10-2022 10:51 PM
yes i will keep you updated.
12-10-2022 11:30 PM
Hi..just an update as promised. The voicemail message is working again now since this morning. it is displaying the missed call number now. I think the tech support guys have fixed it. I just hope this will not happen again.
13-10-2022 07:51 AM
Thanks for coming back and letting us know @Spartabis