22-07-2022 10:39 AM
Since yesterday afternoon (21/07/22) I am unable to call German numbers from my UK EE mobile from within Germany. Until then it had worked well. From Germany, I can now call UK numbers and I can call French numbers. I can receive calls from German numbers. But I cannot call German numbers, either landlines or German mobiles. EE Technical support have tried to sort this out but to no avail. So if my car breaks down or I need to book a hotel I cannot use my EE mobile - this despite EE trumpeting to their customers via texts "Great News" about EU roaming. I wonder whether this inconvenience is limited to EE or has something happened to other networks (such as O2) that now makes it impossible to call numbers within the country where one happens to be?
22-07-2022 12:07 PM
Hi there @ThomasEdison
Thanks for coming back here.
I've sent you a private message for some details.
Speak soon.
22-07-2022 12:49 PM
@ThomasEdison how are you dialling the numbers, are you dialling the area code and number, or ar you dialling +49 area code and number?
Also have you checked your phone settings, is it set to add the international code?
Which phone are you using?
Have you tried a reboot?
22-07-2022 01:38 PM - edited 22-07-2022 01:41 PM
Thanks for your suggestions.
iPhone (15.4.1) 'SE'. Tried the off/on route but no good.
Have tried with and without the prefix but to no avail.
It seems to be what someone at EE said this morning is "a known and widespread problem".
Everything was OK till about midday yesterday when, for whatever reason, calls from this iPhone stopped connecting to German numbers, both fixed and mobile.
Yet, as I said in the OP, I can ring UK and French numbers; I can also receive calls on this iPhone from German numbers. It will be interesting to see what happens when I enter France tomorrow: will it then be the case that I will be able to phone German and UK numbers but not French numbers?
Have spent more than 2 hours on the line to tech support ... they did their best, were courteous and tried hard ... but the EE tech department were stumped.
I suspect that I am not the only person who is in this mess ... I was told that the matter would be resolved "in 5 days" (!)
The really irksome thing is that I've been getting cheery texts and voice messages about roaming from EE that start off with "Great News". The message then trumpets on and on about the wonderful new roaming arrangements from EE.
22-07-2022 01:43 PM
Thanks Leanne but not sure where the PM will appear.
22-07-2022 01:47 PM
22-07-2022 02:56 PM - edited 22-07-2022 03:04 PM
Some more about the so-called 'known and widespread problem' relating to making calls from my iPhone when in Germany to fixed and mobile numbers also in Germany. I just fished out an old Nokia mobile-phone that has EE credit on it. I called a number in France and got through ... just a few seconds because there's not much credit on this Nokia. Then I tried to call a German number via the Nokia ... lo and behold I got the same 'peep-peep' tone that I get when I try to call a German number from my iPhone. So it would appear to be the case that it's nothing to do with my iPhone and its settings. It would appear to be something more general and widespread ... as EE have admitted. Perhaps there's someone on this forum with an EE phone in Germany right now. If so, it would be interesting to know whether it is now possible/or/impossible to call German numbers via EE roaming from within Germany. By the same token, how about people in other EU countries with EE roaming? Are they able to make in-country calls via EE roaming? Or have all EE customers lost the ability to make in-country calls since about midday yesterday? How about EE itself trying to find out whether this 'known and widespread' problem is affecting the whole of the EU? Or just EE customers in Germany? And putting out a post via this community?
22-07-2022 08:50 PM
Well, the option to call German numbers via EE roaming in Germany is back. I tried again within the last 30 minutes and I am now able to ring German numbers via EE roaming from within Germany. I see that someone else was having the same problem and I have posted on that thread to convey the good news. Fingers crossed for this fix.
23-07-2022 07:05 AM