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Spammers Spoofing Numbers - THIS IS NOT A DEAD ISSUE


I am having a reoccurrence of this issue -  I’ve had lots of calls over the past few weeks from various mobile numbers claiming I have miss called them - I know for absolute certain it wasn't me - Its Annoying, Embarrassing and  despite this issue not being new ( posts here and from internet searches ) very little is being done by the networks to prevent, or track and prosecute the offending Scammers - at least nothing visible that I can see.

Customer Service offer nothing but excuses,  " It will only last a day or so",   "My Friend had this issue and its not reoccured" etc...
I was offered ( a few months ago ) a replacement SIM card for my iPhone " that would stop the issue".... Lies...

Its an issue that been around for years - but it seems to be escalating at an exponential rate...

Surely calls on the mobile network carry enough data to validate that a call is being made from the legitimate device on the network that owns the number - if NOT WHY NOT!...  If calls can be traced back to a handset then SPOOF calls can be BLOCKED from ever reaching a destination... and if from an invalid source that source traced and BLOCKED for good...

Yes I can limit my incoming calls to my contact list - but that does not go down too well with potential new clients trying to get in touch....

How can we put pressure on the networks to put a proper solution in place....?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @DGMultimedia 

Are you sure these callers are not the scammers as a new trick (or old trick) is to call someone and suggest they called you then they strike up a conversation as you apologise/ are angy at your carrier. They proceed to either charge you at premium rates or obtain information they need to do whatever they wanted to do etc.

The more it happens the more susceptible you become to give away information. 



To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

I am well aware and prepared for potential Scammers - when Call ID is withheld or unknown,  But I have seen call log proof from acquaintances that my number appears in their inbound call log and I know I didn't make the call.

This has also happened to me. Support spoke to me like i am imagining things. Told me no call has happened or it would show on my handset. I tried to explain thats not how spoofing works. They just told me we have to wait until my next billing date to see my outgoing calls and if i speak to any executive they will tell me the same thing. The call will clearly not be on there yet someone sent me a screenshot of me calling them on their call log. EE are not wanting to accept any responsibility or help customers. Only deflect the issue and gaslight their customers this has happened. Its appalling! 

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @Mirrormirror, thanks for taking the time to share your experience with this. 

I've seen this happen to a friend of mine, so totally appreciate how concerning it can be. 

It's a really tough one to try and find a direct resolution for though, as nobody is actually using your number or cellular connection with us. 

Spoofing instead works by using software to mask the displayed number when making an outbound call - so whilst the scammer will be calling from an international number, most likely via VOIP software, they will program a UK number to come through on the display so the call looks genuine.

This is purely just displaying a string of numbers though, and they can set it to show whatever they want; they aren't controlling your connection.

As a last straw we could look into changing your number, but I appreciate this is quite drastic, and from experience spoofers tend to rotate the numbers they use very regularly; in my friends case it lasted a day or two at most.


This has been an ongoing excuse for YEARS,    Its not beyond the realms of possibility for the Mobile operators AND the VOIP network providers to PREVENT number spoofing - there is enough bandwidth between Phones and the network to encode the Calling handsets secure ID in the data steam thus blocking calls being attempted from "Software" scammers...

Its about time the Providers took responsibility toe CALL SECURITY....
