14-07-2022 10:12 AM
I have a line with EE that I used as a work line. As I'm now leaving the company (and I'm still in contract), I have decided to give that line to my niece to use and have ported her number across onto it.
My issue is voicemail. I had both a personal greeting and name recorded as this was my work line,
The menu options allow me to select a personal greeting or use the standard greeting and add my name.
What I'm looking to do is delete all personal greetings and my name and return to the "Welcome to the EE voicemail" standard message.
I can go back to a standard greeting but only with my name in it.
I've seen on other posts, people recommending turn the voicemail diverts off and on again (via VM ON / VM OFF) but this doesn't resolve it.
Assuming it's going to require a contact into EE as I want to delete my personal greeting / name recording without the requirement to record a new one.
I'll add that even porting my nieces number across didn't impact this. The recordings were still there.
But rational for the ask is if anyone has managed to achieve this previously?
Solved! See the answer below or view the solution in context.
12-09-2022 10:39 AM
Hi @Franktrafy.
I'd recommend getting in touch with our Tech Gurus about this.
They will be able to help you further.
30-01-2024 10:52 AM
Hi Chris,
I am experiencing the same issue. Please can you share the suggestion you sent to the OP?
Many thanks.
30-01-2024 01:23 PM
Hi @Rae
Thanks for coming here.
Have you tried texting VM OFF then VM ON after this has been removed to see if this works for you?
Leanne 🙂
23-02-2024 12:45 PM
I am having the same issue, and have tried all the different options and proposed solutions suggested.
I would just like to reset my voicemail greeting to the EE standard with no personalisation of any kind.
Please can someone help?
23-02-2024 01:41 PM
To get this sorted, please call us on 150 and our mobile guides will be happy to help 🙂
07-07-2024 02:36 PM
How about you make it an actual option to delete it instead of gatekeeping it
19-11-2024 05:31 PM
I also need help on to delete my standard greeting go back to the default voicemail there is no option to delete the standard greeting and I tried text vm off to 150 and then on and it didn't Work Please help me with this I just need my standard greeting deleted and return to the '' Welcome to the ee voicemail ''
20-11-2024 08:35 AM
Hi @hashimalkhader
Which model of phone are you using? The iPhone visual voicemail service allows a change of setting within the 'greeting' option if the automated service is not giving the option to return to the standard greeting.
20-11-2024 11:50 AM
20-11-2024 03:18 PM
Thanks for your reply @hashimalkhader
When you call your voicemail, there should be an option to change the greeting back to a default message. If that isn't coming up for you, I'd recommend giving our tech team a call.