04-10-2023 01:29 PM
Hi , ive been charged £70 this month. I thiught i had a bar limit , please can you put one on , ,and explain what happened. Im in Guyana working. Im sure i put my roaming off. Regards Ian
04-10-2023 01:48 PM
Hi @MEL247LTD,
Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂
What are the charges listed as on your bill?
For help with changing your spend cap and to see which types of charges are included, please see How Do I Set Up and Manage Spend Cap? | Mobile Help | EE.
04-10-2023 01:49 PM
@MEL247LTD this is a public forum, not customer services. No one here knows who you are let alone have access to your account to see why you’ve been charged this.. your bill breakdown will show what this is. if you want to make sure you are not connected to the network, then enable Airplane Mode on your device.