12-05-2024 07:06 PM
@cbr1100chrisDid the call divert work to get around the roaming charges of one provider to another provider with "roam like home"?
@EssexBoyEE Thank you for your help with this.
So my situation is that EE does not have "Roam Like Home" to India but Lebara does. So are you saying that Diverting all calls to my Lebara number will be the easiest so I don't miss any call to my EE number and not pay EE roaming call charges even if I still have my EE Sim in the phone (with data switched off)? But I will still be charged for receiving SMS?
13-05-2024 07:41 AM
Hi @RajK1
If you have your EE SIM in the device and connected to the Indian network, your forwarded calls would be charged international rates to call another UK number.
If your EE SIM was left in the UK with a divert set to a UK number, it would be covered by your plan allowance, no matter which country the destination UK SIM were in.
13-05-2024 08:14 AM
@RajK1 wrote:
So my situation is that EE does not have "Roam Like Home" to India but Lebara does. So are you saying that Diverting all calls to my Lebara number will be the easiest so I don't miss any call to my EE number and not pay EE roaming call charges even if I still have my EE Sim in the phone (with data switched off)? But I will still be charged for receiving SMS?
An unconditional "divert all" is actioned in the UK regardless of where your SIM physically is, and thus no additional charges should be incurred.
The same should also be true of conditional diverts when unreachable or no answer - some CS guides say these are actioned based on your physical location and thus roaming charges incurred. However, some documentation I've seen does contradict this and suggest charging principles are the same as for unconditional diverts. My experience with billing supports the documentation rather than the CS guides.
Disabling data won't have any impact on voice calls - these don't use data. Text messages are free to receive and cannot be diverted.
13-05-2024 09:15 AM
Hi @Christopher_G,
Thank you for the reply.
I called EE and spoke to someone in Billing. They weren't very helpful. The person I spoke to tried to clarify this with her Team Leader and still wasn't sure. So she simply suggested that I set the call divert on and still set my spend cap to be sure I don't get charged. The trouble is the spend cap only kicks in at the next billing cycle!
My spend cap is at £10 so will try out and see.
Thank you
13-05-2024 09:40 AM
Thank you @bristolian
How do I set the unconditional "divert all" please? I spoke to someone in Billing at EE who said I need to call 150.
I just also spoke to someone in the Tech team at EE who said call divert is set at the "phone level" not something they so at network level.
All very confusing for me.
13-05-2024 09:49 AM
@RajK1 wrote:
Thank you @bristolian
I just also spoke to someone in the Tech team at EE who said call divert is set at the "phone level" not something they so at network level.
Perhaps that "tech" agent was confused. Diverts are set on a phone (i.e. they can't be set remotely), but are set at - and operate at - core network level. I'm also not surprised the billing agent wasn't sure.
Call diverts are set within your phone's call settings menu - the location differs between Apple & Android.
13-05-2024 09:56 AM
Thank you for the quick reply @bristolian
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy 24 Ultra. So do I set the unconditional call divert via the settings on the Phone App?
So here is what I am doing and I'll let you know what happens.
1. Set call divert on my EE SIM to another UK SIM (Lebara number) which has roaming in India
2. Set the spend cap to £0 on my EE account
3. Switch Voicemail Off on EE while travelling
I hope this will work.
13-05-2024 10:58 AM
Alternatives to switching your voicemail off would also be...
Set a "temporary absence greeting" with voicemail deposit either enabled or disabled as preferred. Enable a VM-PIN to allow remote access.
Be aware of outgoing calls showing your temp-CLI.
13-05-2024 07:19 PM
Thank you