No connection on holiday in uk


Hi I have just returned from blackpool. I was so frustrated and annoyed that I had very little usage of my phone whilst on holiday. My family and friends could not hear me during phone calls and I had very limited data use. I could not receive calls or make calls or messages.  No one was getting through to me. I need a reliable service because i care for my sister who has Alzheimers and dementia and I need multiple daily pho e calls to her whilst I'm away. And Ee you let us down and caused us anxiety and stress.  EE should not advertise for the best servi e when it is not. The robot advert shaves a man o. Top of a mountain ,yet I can't get a  connection at blackpool ?. VERY VERY POOR SERVICE.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi @Meta66 

It could be that there was a service problem in the area you were staying - try putting the postcode into EE's network coverage checker and see what it says.

EE is the largest network in the UK, unfortunately other providers are likely to present more problems. I've recently been with O2, Virgin and Three and all three were terrible for 4G and 5G reliability in my area. EE is the only stable one!


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Useful Links: My EE | Live Chat | Bills | Usage | Network Coverage Checker | Abroad | APN Settings | PM
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

What were the problems you had with making & receiving calls?

Check if your phone shows VoLTE (Android) or 4G-calling (Apple) if you have issues in the future.

Hi Alex I had already done the area check that you suggested and i screen shot the results. It read "Great connection outside and Good connection indoors". But it was far from that it just would not work ,i could not make calls properly or message or use the internet.
I am very disappointed in EE as it is not the best connection provider in my opinion.

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Nothing you can do now, and gremlins happen with all networks from time-to-time, but for info you've used the "check coverage" option on the webtool.  Not the "check status" option.

Check if your phone shows VoLTE (Android) or 4G-calling (Apple) if you have issues in the future.