16-11-2022 05:10 PM
I ordered a new phone through EE and done the network checks it’s saying I should have between 4/5 bars of service but I am getting between non and 1 bar phone calls have been hassle ever since is there anything I can do about this?
16-11-2022 06:07 PM
Have you got a PAYG phone or a pay-monthly one? Is this only happening in one location?
If so, check under "check status" on the website checker as well as the "check coverage" that I suspect you've done.
16-11-2022 08:41 PM
Hi no it’s contract phone and sim together and yes have checked the coverage and it’s everywhere
16-11-2022 08:49 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "checked the coverage" in terms of the website options, but if you're having problems in multiple locations I would suspect a phone fault.
Do you have any friends or relatives who use EE locally, who you could compare service with? And potentially conduct a SIM-swap with.
16-11-2022 09:02 PM
Hi this is the page I have been using to check the service quality at my postcode it keeps coming back as 4 bars yet I’m sat here with one at my parents house. At my home address I’m not the only one who doesn’t get any with EE but other broadbands are fine. Should I give EE a call to discuss this?
16-11-2022 10:20 PM
The coverage checker has two options.. 1: "Check coverage" for predicted service, and 2: "Check status" for faults & issues.
Is the apparent degradation at this location a recent problem? The status-check option is ideal if so.