07-06-2024 10:04 AM
I live in the UK, I’m on holiday in Greece and when I go to make a call on my iPhone 13 my 5G disappears and I can’t connect a call? Any help I’d be grateful
07-06-2024 10:09 AM
@EEuser12342 Try manually searching for a different network and selecting a different network to the one you are currently connected too.
07-06-2024 10:11 AM
Have you been able to use your phone in Greece previously? Did you receive a welcome text message on first arrival in Greece?
07-06-2024 04:55 PM
@EEuser12342 : Are you on contract or PAYG? Had you used that SIM for making calls or texts in UK before you left to go abroad?
If you are on contract, did you activate roaming on your EE a/c before you left UK by texting ROAMING to 150? Having a roaming billing add-on doesn't of itself activate roaming on your a/c. Having roaming activated on your EE a/c, not just on your device, is crucial to using your contract SIM abroad.
Often just rebooting the phone is the simple remedy. Also try selecting a network manually rather than auto.
Otherwise you need to call CS to get your roaming activated. Try calling CS on the Freephone no. in my sig. on Skype over WiFi. It should be free.