

Advice from EE is to use 'Automatic' on "Network Selection".  BEWARE, if you do, you will only get 'E" connectivity, the second lowest, below even 2G.  I changed this and selected Vodaphone and got 4G connectivity, worked a treat!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Whyter1959   So you’re roaming then.   I’ve never had any issues with network connection and I don’t change it from Automatic when roaming and I’m sure majority ( ie 99% if not higher ) of people don’t change it either.   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

EDGE is effectively 2.5G, it's a 2G technology with faster data codecs.

But good hint to use manual network selection from time-to-time when roaming.

Well out of four of us (2 EE, 2 Virgin) all iPhones, only 2 of us had the dreaded 'E' until we changed from Automatic! May, of course, have just been because the day before travelling I had spent an hour complaining to EE about not transferring my BT benefits as they promised they would!
EE Community Support Team

Hi @Whyter1959

You can change to manually selecting a network if needed when roaming. 

Have a lovely time. 

Leanne 🙂

@Whyter1959   No network will do anything to limit your network connection type.      

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I go to Germany a lot and EE roam with all networks. Here is what you get with each:

Vodafone - E

o2-de - 4G

Telekom - 5G

in order of choice on auto you are given o2 first (rubbish), Vodafone E second even worse, and the last choice is the best one which is Telekom on 5G. 

Manually select Telekom for the best connection, and it will be fine. However your phone will sit on no service for 5-10 mins. 

I hope this helps. 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I went to Germany recently and I need to update my previous post. Telekom is now switched off. O2 gives 5g in major cities but I lose connection very often as o2 is a bad network. My phone automatically switches to Vodafone which is a stronger signal but I only get ‘E’ (Edge). Very very frustrating. If I can 4G Vodafone or Telekom this would solve the problem. 

I am also in Germany at the moment and greatly missing access to the Telekom network.

o2-de (4G) and Vodafone (EDGE) just isn’t sufficient to reliably remain connected to the internet. EE, please consider re-enabling access to the Telekom network!

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I actually made a formal complaint about this and they are very nice, but ultimately they won’t do anything. They say that if enough people complain they might do something eventually. I told the lady I spoke to all she needs to do is read this forum to see how bad service is in Germany. 

Even if Vodafone was the 4G network and o2-de was the Edge network that would be a vast improvement because Vodafone is almost as good as Telekom. 

I’ve now bought a second sim from Three as they roam on all three German networks and its 5G with no restrictions. I’ve also found that the service from Three gives EE a run for their money in this country so I know what I’m going to do when my contract runs out. 

It’s a real shame as I generally like EE, but since Orange and Telekom sold it to BT it’s generally gone downhill.