23-04-2023 06:27 PM
We have 4 EE android mobile phones in the same property. All up to the required standard for mobile alerts.
One received the alert as planned, one had a notification icon to say something was received but made no sounds and had to be unlocked to see the alert. 2 had nothing. All in the same house, none in airplane mode, all active EE sims, all have signal, noone opted out.
What went wrong?
23-04-2023 08:08 PM
@Salswift52 It’s the first time such a thing has been tested in the UK you can expect issues. These issues will be looked in too so they get resolved.
23-04-2023 09:38 PM
We are all on the latest version of android. The phones are all recent models, 3 of them high end Samsungs.
All of the emergency broadcast settings are at default and identical on each phone. And as I said, none were in any airplane / do not disturb type modes or settings and none were muted/ silenced etc. We have no signal issues.
Yet we had 3 different experiences of the test all in the same home within feet of each other. Or 2 experiences and a couple of no experiences.
23-04-2023 10:55 PM
First thing to check is that you have the Emergency Alerts Add-On activated its only £3:99 per month or Free if selected as a Smart Benifit and. ..... OK, only joking, forget all that. But as @Chris_B says, the whole idea of today's Alert Test, is just that, to test it, then potential iron out the failures, which, apperently were quiet a few, especially if peeps where on the Three Network is seems, so whilst the whole Test didn't quiet seem to go to plan, it's somewhere to start from and improve the technicals for future Test Alerts, which I'm sure there will be more to come.
23-04-2023 11:08 PM - edited 23-04-2023 11:10 PM
Same in my house, all with EE, all had alerts switched on, only one of us got the alert! All Apple phones did not get the alert!
24-04-2023 08:24 AM
On latest version of Android and connected to 5g all settings correct to receive alerts, nothing received. Wife's phone on 3 similarly failed to receive the alert.
24-04-2023 08:57 AM
Two iPhones in the house. One received nothing (emergency alerts activated) the other received a short noise, but the message disappeared before it could be read!?
24-04-2023 10:39 AM
Looks like the system might be relevent. I have a new nokia 6300 4 G. The system is KaiOs, and looks like the Alert is a bit of chaos as well. It is not a smart phone, still has keys, but has email and internet access. I was all geared and ready as well.
24-04-2023 12:10 PM
My phone was on on and I didn't receive the alert or any subsequent text. (4G phone running Android 11; I do receive many other alerts OK).
Will EE be explaining why their alert system didn't work properly?
24-04-2023 12:18 PM
Hi @DeeGee111
This was a test and Emergency Alerts are only one of the many ways in which the UK Government and emergency services will inform you of public safety issues in your local area.
Please take a look at the article below, it explains the emergency alerts in more detail.
What is Emergency Alert? | Help | EE
24-04-2023 02:33 PM
There's a survey you can fill in about your experiences here: https://www.gov.uk/alerts
Survey Link: https://surveys.publishing.service.gov.uk/s/A7XZXQ