20-02-2023 01:55 PM
Hi. I ordered SIM card which I activated in UK before going abroad. Now I bought a supscribtion plan and I can't use any data while abroad, I tried sending an SMS or use maps but with no luck. Any idea why it's not working? I have got roaming switched on in my phone settings but when sending ROAMING to 150 it shows me I can't send it. Thanks
20-02-2023 03:14 PM
I can't make calls, texts or use data. It's like SIM is inside but I can't use it.
Is there anything I should do? I mean, I have subscription pack paid but maybe I need to have a credit or something?
20-02-2023 03:38 PM
Hi @alexx3113.
You should be able to use your pack whilst in Poland.
Are you with someone who has a working phone?
20-02-2023 03:41 PM
20-02-2023 03:45 PM
I would recommend giving us a call on +447953966250 @alexx3113, our customer care team will be able to take a look into your account further.
Katie 🙂
20-02-2023 03:51 PM
Thank you 🙂
20-02-2023 05:30 PM
What do understand by "activated"? Did you use that PAYG SIM for making calls or texts in UK before you left to go abroad? EE PAYG SIMs need 1st activating on EE's home UK network before they can be used abroad. If it wasn't you can't now use it until you return to UK.
20-02-2023 05:45 PM
SIM was activated in UK. Now, I can't use it while in Poland.
20-02-2023 05:49 PM
Did you use that PAYG SIM for making calls or texts in UK before you left to go abroad?
20-02-2023 06:50 PM
Yes, so you said but did you use it in anger?
13-03-2023 10:22 PM
Hello. I have exactly the same problem as @Tovariz. Activated SIM means that I used it for calls and text messages in UK before going abroad. Any chance you could help? Thanks