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Why is EE signal rubbish in Caerphilly area


Is anyone else having issues with making calls in the Caerphilly area? I cannot believe that EE is the best network for 10 years in a row, if that is true what on earth are the rest like!? If I can ring out it takes about a minute to connect. After talking for a couple of minutes I will lose signal, nothing but silence, I then have to ring again and so the process goes on and on. I do not want to land a plane I just want to make a call!


Hi Katie, yes I was transferred to the technical team who suggested having the settings updated which is why my husband and I went into the local EE store. The first time I tried to speak to someone surprise surprise my phone signal went so I rang back again I spoke to customer service who then put me through to technical support. When we went down to the store our settings were updated, we switched our phones off and restarted when we got back home. This suggestion made no difference whatsoever. The signal constantly drops every day. It is highly frustrating especially as my husband uses his mobile for work, if he can make a call then its only a matter of time when the signal disappears or he cannot be heard.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for getting back to me @Linnielooloo

I understanding this must be frustrating. 

Does your signal improve if you visit another area?


I haven't really noticed an improvement when I am out and about elsewhere

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Linnielooloo 

Do both phones show no improvement with the service when you are in other areas? 


Both phones show no improvement when we are in other areas. The Rhonda is an absolute joke, no mobile signal there. Caerphilly is now becoming an absolute joke. I cannot wait until I can terminate my contract. EE do not provide a mobile phone service. How on earth are they the best for 10 years running, where is the proof there? 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Linnielooloo 

I am sorry to hear this, if you would like the area looked into in more detail please get in touch with our customer care team who can check the area and provide further information. 


@Linnielooloo wrote:

The Rhonda is an absolute joke, no mobile signal there.

If this were genuinely the case, significant volumes of complaints would result. I wonder if your phone may have a fault. Do you know any other EE users locally, who you could compare service with?


I have the exact same problem in the Caerphilly area too. It's shocking how bad it is. Can't even load a song on spotify without using wifi to load the first song. Otherwise it just doesn't work.

I've noticed the same problems anywhere I go though. Caerphilly, Cardiff, Bristol, Pemrokeshire...

The EE network is by far the worst I have ever used. I've spoken to them over the phone and in store and both have advised it's normal. If you are in contract, do what I did and complain about the service not being up to standard and get them to cancel it down early with no charges. Put a complaint in with Ofcom too because it's a big scam! Advertising coverage they don't actually give.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@marcam wrote:

I have the exact same problem in the Caerphilly area too.....I've noticed the same problems anywhere I go though. Caerphilly, Cardiff, Bristol, Pemrokeshire...

Having problems across such a wide geographical area would suggest a potential fault with your phone.

Ofcom don't handle individual customer complaints. If EE's advertised coverage maps were incorrect to the severity you suggest, that would cause significant volumes of complaints & press attention - neither of which is apparent.