Why is EE signal rubbish in Caerphilly area


Is anyone else having issues with making calls in the Caerphilly area? I cannot believe that EE is the best network for 10 years in a row, if that is true what on earth are the rest like!? If I can ring out it takes about a minute to connect. After talking for a couple of minutes I will lose signal, nothing but silence, I then have to ring again and so the process goes on and on. I do not want to land a plane I just want to make a call!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Linnielooloo  the best network is not based on one area, it’s based on the whole of the UK,.  Have you checked to see if there’s a network issue in your area? You can useTHIS and then click the check status tab. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hiya Chris,

Totally appreciate what you are saying and yes I have checked coverage 5G ok ish 4G should be excellent indoors and out, unfortunately that is far from case. EE seem to spend a lot of money on Kevin Bacon, maybe spend it on customer service!?

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Did you try the 'check status' option @Linnielooloo?


Hi James, thanks for replying, how do I check the status?

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Linnielooloo,

You can check the status at EE Coverage & Network Status Checker | Check your signal.

It includes an option to report a problem if no issues are currently found.

Hope this helps.


Hiya James, please excuse my ignorance, I am not that tech minded. Yes I have done this 5G not great in or outdoors, however 4G should he excellent in and outdoors, alas that is not the case. Thanks for trying to help 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

The signal indicators on your phone screen are just that, an indication and rough guide.

Are you saying that the predicted 4G outdoor coverage is not matching with your experience, and if so - is this a recent problem?


Yes that is correct, EE stare that the signal is good, however that is far from the truth. This has been going on for approx 6 months now, the service has deteriorated. I have spoken to EE but they have not been particularly helpful. Suggested we go down to the shop and have the settings updated, my husband and I both did this and surprise surprise no change. I have emails on a weekly basis from EE stating they have issues with the network and are working on this, then I have an email to state the wotk has been done switch your mobile off and restart. Needless to say it makes no difference 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Linnielooloo

When you have spoke with EE was this our technical care team?

Have you reported that it is not just yourself experiencing this?

Speak soon, 
