Voice mail and visual voicemail not working at all


I uograded my iPhone to iPhone 15 pro and went eSIM. Then I noticed that visual voicemail did not work as no messages.  Have spoken to 150 3 times now had network reset, VMware and visual on and off. Also when call 1 or 222 I get cannot connect at this time. If I call my voicemail from another phone or landline and enter my mobile number I get cannot connect you at this time. Thus has been going on for over a month now and I still cannot get any of my answer phone messages. If I turn visual off my old voic messages appear on screen in iPhone phone app but disappeared when turn on. Very strange!  I have rebooted iPhone as stated by re also and still no resolution. Escalated to level 2 and  don’t hear any more. Apparently a complaint has been put in also which also not heard about. I have no way to get voicemails what so ever 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Carlsberg 

Welcome to the community.

It sounds like you have followed the correct process in speaking to our technical support team who escalated to level 2.

Have you tried texting IPHONE VISUAL to 150? Can you listen to voicemails when you dial the voicemail long number: 07953 222 222?


Hi Chris

Thankyou for getting in touch.
No I cannot get through on dialing 222 number or long pressing 1. I get the message we cannot connect you at this time. Also I’ve tried from my daughters landline calling voicemail number and entering my mobile number then get same message.


Sent from iPhone 15 Pro
EE Community Support Team

It sounds like this could be a more technical issue specific to your account that we can help you with in the community, @Carlsberg 

I recommend speaking with the technical support team again to see if there's an update on the ticket that was raised.



Hi, I have the same problem so I was interested to see if this has since been resolved since you posted?

Thank you for your message & sorry to hear you to are having the same problems. I can confirm that nothing has been resolved at all since October & I still have no voicemail or visual voicemail, I still get unable to connect at this time when I call voicemail & even when from a main landline. It is ridiculous isn’t it! Just go round in circles on phone to 150. Interested in how you have got on? Do u have 15 pro & went eSIM also?
Kind regards

Thank you for the prompt reply. Yes I also have 15 pro and eSim.

Personally I think it's an eSim problem since I moved to this in October last year also.
I spoken again to tech support but it's so strange that no one knows what the issue is here.

Very frustrating not having access to a voicemail!

You’re most welcome & yes it is very frustrating having no voice mail.
I agree & did think eSIM may be an issue. I also have had Apple support do diagnostics tests on my 15 pro to make sure not a problem with iOS & passed all tests. That is a carrier issue with EE. Have you had any issues with messages at all as sometimes a text or iMessage I receive does not show up at top of app once open, so I have to close an re open app to view.
I am going to give them another call for any update to the issue

Looking into this more maybe it's not specific to eSim but rather EE, just as you mentioned. 

Apparently EE have escalated it and will call back tomorrow but I am not expecting a positive response due to the number of people with the same problem and no solution.

I cannot say I have had any other issues as you mentioned above but then I may have not noticed. . .  .

Good luck with the call! I shall also update further once I hear back from them.

I hope you receive a call back, as I did not so ended up chasing them again.
It will be good to hear on further communication from EE & how you get on 🙂
I will also update here with my response going forward.

Kind regards

Sent from iPhone 15 Pro