17-09-2024 01:10 PM
For the past week I've had the annoying situation of phone calls going completely silent without warning mid way through the call. There seems to be no way to recover from this but to hang up and try again.
However, today, I've been receiving calls from job recruiters, and I wish to call them back, unfortunately I'm not able to listen to the voicemail, and unable to make or receive calls as my phone can no longer find the EE 4G connection, and if it does it is 1 bar or less signal strength.
My wife's phone is also struggling through this, she is on the same network.
Based in NW London. Wondering if it's a wider issue? Or something specific to my phone, which is an Android phone. I've not had any major problems with EE for the past few years. So hoping it's some network glitch that will resolve itself soon. Just frustrating when you really need key infrastructure, it doesn't work.
17-09-2024 02:37 PM
There's nothing inherently wrong with "1 bar", it's still usable coverage.
Do you have any audio issues with other functions on your phone - does video streaming work OK, for example? Or if you make a short audio recording, and play it back - is the sound audible?
Do you have similar issues when using WiFi-calling?