19-12-2022 10:09 AM
I can receive phone calls but cannot make any phone calls? Not even 150 to report. Any known issues?
19-12-2022 09:57 AM
Today 19 December 2022, I can’t make calls. Keeps going straight to “call ended.”Is EE having outages?
19-12-2022 10:04 AM
Trying to call anyone even 150 and cannot do it
19-12-2022 10:06 AM
Hi my phone won’t connect when dialling out, just disconnects. I have coverage
19-12-2022 10:06 AM
Hi, I'm confused. I'm unable to make a call... keeps saying call ended. I've been asked to start a new plan but I haven't requested a new plan. Can you please help me.
19-12-2022 10:12 AM
I cannot make or
receive phone calls
please help
19-12-2022 10:12 AM
Same!! It just disconnects if I ring anyone.
19-12-2022 10:16 AM
Why is my calls not going through? Cant even call 150
19-12-2022 10:18 AM
Same here !! xx
19-12-2022 10:19 AM
I have the same Julie !
thankfully I’m not alone .. hope it starts back up again soon.