07-12-2023 03:22 PM
I’ve had no service on my phone from this morning and, as a contractor I have to answer different calls for jobs. This morning I’ve lost out on three jobs. Ruined my day, along side with my reputation. But don’t get me started on the money that nobody is going to compensate me for ! These people don’t care about us so long as we pay them every month for 4G that takes an hour ! We are all being scammed you me and every one you know is being played. Until we stand up and start doing something about it government will always be watching, laughing at the hard workers of this country while we
throw our money at them. Disgusting.
Do something about it …
07-12-2023 05:29 PM
Hi @Serg2
Welcome to the community.
I'm sorry to hear that you had a loss of service this morning. Did you try restarting the phone? That can sometimes help when this happens.
Is everything working again now?
07-12-2023 06:12 PM
@Serg2 Have you checked to see if there is a network issue in the area you’re at ? You can do that HERE you need to click the check status tab. As you have an internet connection have you tried using WiFi calling where possible? What does your device show where the network signal is ? Have you restarted the device?