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EE Customer Service line


Hi does anyone have contact details, preferably a contact number /individuals Name for contacting EE Customer (telephone helpdesk) Senior management?

I am not looking for the generic helpline number, NOT an issue ref a specific mobile number/contract but a very real issue with the helpdesk "Misinterpreting" and so misinforming EE Customers.

Its been going on for years / I have a letter appologising for this dated 2016... It is happening again!

I have used msngr to contact "EE" customer support but they are escalating this as a "Networks" Issue...  The issue is with Customer Support !   

tia Tim


EE Community Support Team

Hi @TimTim2 

Welcome to the community.

I'm sorry to hear that you have a complaint. The best advice I can give it to fill in our Complaints Web form. Log your complaint as 'other' since it isn't about a mobile/broadband account and our Complaints Team will be in touch with you to discuss it.


Hi @Christopher_G 

I have managed to make contact via Messenger and they have confirmd the information "on their system" is "pretty  clear" despite it being factually wrong, AGAIN!    So it is clear they will not stop telling Customers...

They (EE Customer Support) will not provide me a means to dispute resolve it with their Mangement. I have been referred back to MBNL, who so far have not replied to me within Ofcoms Code Of Practice as they state in their documents / they have not contacted me. 

I am in the process of contacting to raise this long standing /ongoing issue with them, with hopefully the assistance of my MP once more.

If however someone/anyone in EE's Customer Service centre would actually like to resolve this without having to take legal action, that may help....  Looks like I need to get another letter from an MBNL Director to show to my neighbours.  

Kind regards, Tim

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Out of interest, are you able to post details of the alleged issue? You allude to contacting MBNL which makes me suspect it's a network-side issue.


@bristolian    Fair comment.

This from a letter from a Director....   2016, the same is still occouring as recently as this weekend.  


The Customer Helpdesk refuse to stop "misrepresenting" the situation to local people, and I have been told by the main contractor to EE mine is not an isolated case.  I would post more recent but I am hopeful that this matter can be resolved, However with my background working in EMEA on Crit Sit Management, the Silo approach does not work when your Front Desk is causing issues and denies it is their issue...

Regards Tim



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

For info I'm not EE staff.

Any EE site that is on private land will have a lease agreement with the landowner, and those include provisions for access to site. All network faults are dealt with as expediently as possible, but this is not always as quick as either the operator or end-user would ideally like.

Yes I am fully conversant with how it doesn't work. 

Excuse me being direct,  anything of use, anyone?

Kind Regards Tim


Is there a group on here for disenfranchised souls / those that are tied to having a Base Site?

for the record, used to have numerous Contracts with EE.. seem to have lost faith.




@leanne_1   You seem to find @bristolian s post "helpful?    Please explain, as this is an issue with the Helpdesk telling my neighbours they have "Access" issues with access to a site, when it isn't this site... 

As background for DECADES EE Customer Helpdesk have told me and my neighbours about access issues, a Director in 2016 admitted to the error...  This weekend we had two sites down and apparently there were access issues due to "Mowing" and "unfriendly Horses" at a site where and EE Helpdesk confirm the notes were "really clear" about the Horse, but were unable to verify there were notes about "Mowing" as stated to a Neighbour....  where there are NO Horses and the grass is still UnMown! 

How is their post in the slightest Helpful to the subject of my enquiry? 



EE Community Support Team

Hi @TimTim2 

@bristolian's reply does advise helpful information for network faults and how our engineers access an area where a mast is located, however if this is not the issue for the mast in the area and you have been provided incorrect information please contact our mobile care team or follow the complaint process as @Christopher_G has provided for further information. 
