22-04-2022 11:41 AM
Wanting to find out how a small business would go about appyling to have a phone mast installed on private land?
30-10-2023 12:28 PM
Hi Chris,
We are looking to install a mast on our land as we have tried many different networks and all are useless in our area. We have a high point available and there are no houses within 400 m of the potential site. Could you please provide any further information.
30-10-2023 01:17 PM
Hi @Chayllor
Thanks for coming to the community.
I've sent you a private message for some extra details.
30-10-2023 04:00 PM
An interested landlord is always a good start, but if an operator is looking for a new site in a particular area then a full lease agreement with that landowner will be required once a suitable location has been identified. All new sites will need an electricity & transmission supply, and for access arrangements to be agreed. Local authority planning consent will often be required once a site design has been agreed.
It's not an application process as such.
05-11-2023 07:22 PM
Hi Leanne,
Can you send me details about base station locations. Signal around my farm is awful SK6 7EZ, loads of locations including 3 phase supply etc.
05-11-2023 10:49 PM
@GMaull wrote:
Can you send me details about base station locations.
Are you seeking info on current radio site locations? In which case EE don't publish this info.
Or are you enquiring as a potentially interested landlord?
06-11-2023 03:42 PM - edited 06-11-2023 04:04 PM
Landlord, I know where the nearest mast is and it's very poor signal.
16-11-2023 05:22 PM
Hi, who do you contact to see about installing a mast on private land? We live in a low to non existent signal area. Wr158nb. There are businesses in the area that struggle to get internet and boosters are hit and miss at best. Thanks Ben r
17-11-2023 07:36 AM
17-11-2023 03:18 PM
Yes we do.
17-11-2023 03:36 PM