11-09-2024 11:06 AM
Ok I'm finally done with having my time burgled with this issue and I am sick of going round in circles.
For about 18 months I have suffered with 5G not being fit for purpose, being hampered, delayed, ignored, research, troubleshooting, and frankly blinded with words and baffled with bs. I have tried everything, paid for better service, ordered and downloaded new Sims, followed instructions, changed devices, spent hours talking to support. Pixel doesn't have the option to ignore 5G and my patience has finally depleted. Why am I paying for a service that's not fit for purpose?? It's cost me in charges, delays and put my safety at risk. When will I be heard and compensated. I pay EE £150 a month! Give me the service I deserve!!
20-09-2024 12:43 AM
And I don't what version of fit for purpose you are referring too, but for me having my maps stop working while navigating a busy city when already being pressed for time, having to find somewhere to pull and mess around making the damn thing work does not fit into mine and sure as hell doesn't justify the money I spend each month
15-10-2024 03:27 PM
Just turn off 5G, it doesn't work properly anyway, as it isn't really 5G (it runs on the 4G network)
You can't do it in the 'normal' settings though, as EE have somehow disabled this setting in the phones settings. I don't know how they do this, I buy my phones direct from Google and the settings aren't there with EE SIM in, but are with Vodafone!
Anyway, go to your Dialler, dial *#*#4636#"#*
This brings up a Phone Information menu
Go into that, near the bottom you'll see 'set preferred network type' and a drop-down arrow.
In there, there's a list. The ones with NR are 5G the ones without NR are 4G
15-10-2024 04:16 PM - edited 15-10-2024 05:04 PM
EE's 4G network is incredibly reliable & stable, and this may skew the perception of any new radio technology that is in relative infancy of rollout. 5G can run in both SA & NSA mode - even in SA mode, a phone will use 4G when no 5G is available.
Whenever you're on the edge of one RAT (radio access-technology) with fallback to a more expansive one, then some interworking issues can be encountered. Often users place great store on "the more bars the better", whereas quite often good service can be obtained with the opposite.
16-10-2024 06:46 PM
Difference in speed though! Interestingly can get barely anything done on 4G