Usage texts


Myself and my family are new to EE, joined 2 months ago. I have 5 sims on my account, all are unlimited data, text and calls. Spend cap is set at £0 on all of them. We all keep getting texts saying "Hi from EE. Your phone usage is higher than usual. If this continues, you may be unable to make calls or texts. Visit or call 150 to check your balance or make a payment. Thanks"  

The highest amount of data used for the month on any of the sims is 11gb and there has been no texts or calls to premium numbers etc that requires a charge.

All bills are paid up to date but we are all getting these texts on a daily basis which is rather annoying.

Any idea why we keep getting these?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Mchouston1109 

Welcome to the Community and welcome to EE. 

Is there any particular pattern to the messages?  How regularly do you receive them? 

As your Spend Cap is set to £0, there may be a possibility one of the lines is attempting to make a chargeable call or text which is triggering the message. 

However, it may also be the total cost of your lines on a monthly basis may be close to your total account limit, which is causing the message once the bill is generated (before Direct Debit is taken). 

It would be best to contact Customer Service on 150, where a guide will be able to review your account details and check the cause of the message. 
