03-02-2025 09:16 PM
Joined in December 2024 couple of weeks later there seemed to be a network fault in the area and hub had no internet connection, spoke to EE and they asked me to reset the hub as it maybe trying to connect to a mast that is not working, I did that and internet came back on, now early hours of this morning the same thing has happened apparently service status online mentioned there was a problem in the area so lost connection! As I am not at the location where the hub is I have to visit and attempt to reset again! So why is this happening everything there is a local issue? Seems to be every month so far! Why can’t the hub reconnect to the correct mast itself why does it need a reset all the time?
08-02-2025 02:46 PM
Yes earlier today after over an hour with technical support text messaging level 2 for advice they came up with a repair! That I have to go to a EE store handover the hub and SIM Card wait 14 days without any connection and I may end up having to pay! I said why can’t it be replaced so I am not without connection for 2 weeks they said replacement is only covered within first 30days!!! Even though I first reported the issue within this timeframe, at that time I was given what seems a temporary fix as when it happened again 4 weeks later I was told to do the same fix and wait till the 3rd time to get to level 2! So how is this my fault? I made a complaint and was transferred to the floor manager who basically said repair is the only option and resolved the complaint! I thought there is a separate department that deals with official complaints how on earth do you allow the same person taking the complaint about what the same person just said end being resolved by the same person??
so now I am stuck with visiting a EE store handover equipment and wait approx 14 days without any access to internet! All this after joining 2 months ago!
08-02-2025 03:06 PM
If you're not happy with the resolution to your complaint @Sherstone, then you can get back in touch and ask for this to re-opened.
When you make a complaint this will initially be dealt with by an agent, then passed to a team leader, and then passed to our complaints team, if we aren't able to resolve it.
08-02-2025 03:39 PM
I was unhappy and I asked don’t you have a dept or separate team deal with complaints and I was told there is no dept and it’s down to them to find a resolution! I was strong armed and lied to!
08-02-2025 03:49 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened @Sherstone
Our Complaints Code of Practice sets out how your complaint should be handled, and how to get this reopened.
08-02-2025 04:52 PM
it doesn’t cover how to get it reopened?
08-02-2025 10:00 PM
spoke to customer services and the agent was astonished at what I have gone through and how the complaint was dealt with, he said that I should reject the resolution and ask for it to be escalated to the executive team.
he said that no customer should be left without internet that they are paying for for 2 weeks the least that can be done is to loan out a hub in the meantime while one is fixed, but the issue is that the technical team also want the SIM card so even a loan hub would not be any good.
he basically said that the hub should of been replaced when it was first reported as I was well Within the 30 day period and adding to that the cooling off period would of been extended. He even said if all else fails to report to ofcom as it’s not right, unfortunately he could not do anything about as I have a call back from a manager tomorrow to ask me if I have decided to accept the resolution of a repair! Which I will be rejecting!
09-02-2025 12:41 AM
@Sherstone wrote:
He even said if all else fails to report to ofcom as it’s not right,
It's well documented that Ofcom don't accept individual customer complaints, they refer you to exhaust EE's complaints process first. If that process fails to rectify within 8 weeks, you have the option of referring to ADR, currently Ombudsman Services.
09-02-2025 10:08 AM
I am starting to realise that EE staff need to brush up on the advice they provide to customers as it seems they just say anything to pacify people.
11-02-2025 07:47 PM
so I never got the call from the team leader about what I decided so I contacted the technical team the next day, unfortunately initially the same speech was given but they said they would get a team leader booked in to call me the next day, bang on time the team leader called me but apologised as systems were down but wanted to call as arranged and let me know that they will call back in a few hours. Few hours later the same team leader called and gave me the time to explain what had happened and they were very understanding and realised that a replacement should of been a option.
they put the request through but unfortunately the hub is out of stock but they said they will keep an eye on it and once it is back in stock they will contact me to arrange a doorstep exchange.
if this goes as planned and agreed then I am lost for words as I can’t believe what I have had to endure just to come to this conclusion.
12-02-2025 08:09 AM
Hi @Sherstone
Thanks for coming back to us with an update. I am very sorry you've had this experience and appreciate you letting us know you have been in touch and waiting for the replacement.
I hope this is all sorted soon for you.