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Meta Quest 3 - Includes Asgard’s Wrath 2 free


HI , I have now received my meta quest 3, how do i claim my free game ?

  • Includes Asgard’s Wrath 2 free?

Thanks Aaron


Thank you. We found the game. That's a relief for that. 

So does the game pass act in a similar way to the xbox pass I.e free games? I have seen the quest+ on the menu and it asks for 7.99 a month but as its free in the bundle, how do we access it. Thank you for your patience. X

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

you should be able to access the game pass on quest 3 i never bought mine off ee just seen  the offer for me on my quest3 straight away ie first day also they change the games on it also every month but you can pick 1 or 2 to carry on playing it if am honesta wouldnt play 70 per cent of the free games just have a look at app lab for games and demos also sidequest is not bad iether and also if you have a i5 gen6 and up and you have a gtx 1050 or higher you can play pc vr if am going to reccomend 1 pc vr game got to be half life alyx amazing game also most pc vr and meta games are very short gameplay but if you go to sites like cdkeys and cjkeys half life alyx was only 12 pound there legitamit as well its 50 pound on steam so look around b4 you make a quest purchase you should be able to access the gamepass and start downloading it hope this helps.