26-10-2024 07:17 PM
So I am trying to get the EE black ops 6 skin but all I’m getting is the same message from EE when I text the message “BLACKOPS6” can anyone help with this
29-10-2024 09:15 PM
I’m having same issue
29-10-2024 09:33 PM
This is a customer forum, all of us are customers here just like yourself. All we can do is try to help you with general advice, for anything more specific you would have to contact customer services
29-10-2024 09:43 PM
Thank you for your response, I will get into contact with them. Thank you though
30-10-2024 12:52 AM
I’m a PAYM customer and it isn’t giving me the code when sending the text to 150
30-10-2024 05:37 AM
Hi @yirennn
Have you tried later or called 150?
30-10-2024 12:51 PM
I'm the same. Tried for the last 24 hours and same issue. Monthly customer too.
30-10-2024 01:06 PM
I've got the code from EE but when I try put it into call of duty it keeps telling me the code should be 10-13 characters long which it is
30-10-2024 05:28 PM
Hi @Lukant23
People have started to get replies around too much demand and more recently that codes have ran out and they are trying to get more.
31-10-2024 12:22 AM
I’ve texted 150 saying BLACKOPS6 for the rewards but I haven’t received anything ?
31-10-2024 12:25 AM
@Marcus281094 : Are you an EE mobile contract customer? If not, you can't text to 150 & so you can't get it. It is an EE promotion to its mobile users.