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Why does the EE website never work?


Doesn't matter if I am on my phone or computer, this website never works. I just get errors saying I can't log in or the same page loads over and over again, no matter what link I click. At this point I just want to upgrade my plan and instead I might just change providers. Anyone else always having this issue?


offern't have a mobile phone with EE , and l am hard of hearing so don't like phoning companies up l just want to check out their offers before deciding 

Both and  both have technical issues 

It can't be with everyone's account my son even tried it on hes phone and had same issues 


I get

"Sorry, something went wrong on our end" on any device i use, I've tried 3 different browsers, the silly mobile app, all i want to do is GIVE THEM MONEY by getting the new wifi7 hub but now, their poxy website will not let me do anything other than view my subscription. How can a company so big have such a poor website. I am still very miffed I didnt get told there was a better router on offer when i subscribed to the 1.6gbit full fibre and complained that the hub only could do 1gbit out over ethernet (what is this? the friggin 80s????) Seems the wifi7 routers at least can do let me saturate the connection. Wifi is awful.