16-03-2022 10:38 PM
"Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do"
Seems like this error message has been posted a number of times but it's still not resolved. Despite showing I'm logged in in the top part the error messaged stating I'm not logged in is still being shown. I can't buy a new phone and plan. I've tried on different web browsers and the app but the result is the same.
Any ETA on when EE plans to fix their site?
08-10-2023 08:02 AM
Hi @ChrisOwen1
Thanks for coming to the community.
The error message you receive will need a support ticket raised to the relevant team to get this looked into and this can be completed by our technical support team after full troubleshooting has been carried out for you.
If this has not been raised, please get back in touch by calling 150.
20-11-2023 09:26 PM
I have the same issue. I’m a pay monthly customer and want to purchase a ps5 on a monthly basis. I’m signed in, then when I select the ps5 it logs me out and states this message. Joke
21-11-2023 07:39 AM
Hi @Hooky2469.
I am sorry to hear this is happening.
If you continue to see this error please give us a call and our customer care team will be happy to place your order.
24-11-2023 06:48 AM
It's 2023 and they still have NOT fixed this bug LOL EE has the best mobile network but the WORST WESITE EVER.
24-11-2023 07:57 AM
I'm sorry that this isn't working for you, @Tianyiye. If you speak to our Mobile Care team, they'll do their best to help.
09-12-2023 02:27 AM
I've also been having this I thought I was the only one
11-12-2023 09:17 PM
Why don't you just fix the issue instead of telling customers to speak to your Mobile Care team? Just fix it gosh so customers do not have the issue at all. Seems like you do no want to fix what is broken and keep telling customers to call 150 or call your Mobile Care team. Juts fix the bloody thing as customers pay for a service unless you do not find them loyal. I have been with you guys from the 90s when you were one2one. Sad!
12-12-2023 07:24 AM
Hi @araja88
Thanks for coming here.
Error messages when logging into your EE account would need to be investigated by our mobile care team and a support ticket raised if this is needed.
This error message would need an individual account investigation that the team will be happy to help with and get resolved for you.
29-01-2024 01:14 PM
2024 and they still have a broken website.
29-01-2024 01:24 PM
A year later and the problem is still here. Good job EE.