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Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade


"yugyuguy.JPGUnfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do"


Seems like this error message has been posted a number of times but it's still not resolved. Despite showing I'm logged in in the top part the error messaged stating I'm not logged in is still being shown. I can't buy a new phone and plan. I've tried on different web browsers and the app but the result is the same.


Any ETA on when EE plans to fix their site?

112 REPLIES 112

Hi .. I'm having the exact same issue. Ever since upgrading my data to unlimited. And having my student discount applied.

I get these main account errors. (3403) + (1000).

Screenshots also show I have 3 accounts. Even though they show the same number and when clicked, nothing even happens. It really seems buggy beyond comprehension.

To note:

- Same/similar errors appear on app

- I am the main account holder/bill payer

- I have a pixel 7

- pay monthly contract, with only one account!

- hoping to upgrade (but reluctant to nowadays)

- have spoken to EE tech team and they advised there was no error on their end?!

- have just tried changing password trick and it didn't work.


Can someone shed some light with the information I have provided? Thank you!







EE Community Support Team

Hi @H05 

I'm not sure why that is happening. Does it look the same when you log into the desktop site on another device?


Yes exactly same issue just web version. As with my other phone. Same problem.

EE Community Support Team

I know you've said that you have already spoken to our technical support team, @H05. I recommend speaking to them again so that they can raise this as a 'single user fault', which will be investigated.


I shall try again with them and do as advised. Thank you.

EE Community Support Team

Keep us updated on what happens please, @H05 



Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do.


Im having the exact same error message and I am a pay monthly customer, paying £91 a month in fact, and I'm getting really annoyed with the website never working and EE never addressing the issue! instead they try and offer you a new phone/contract! NO, just get the website working properly. Im done with EE now, will go elsewhere. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Louise144 

I am sorry to hear you are receiving this error message. 

Does this happen as soon as you log into your My EE account online or when you select upgrade? 


when I select an upgrade. I want to do it online, I don't want to phone anyone. 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Louise144 

Have you tried another web browser? 

Can you text UP to 150 and let me know the full reply?

Leanne 🙂