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Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade


"yugyuguy.JPGUnfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do"


Seems like this error message has been posted a number of times but it's still not resolved. Despite showing I'm logged in in the top part the error messaged stating I'm not logged in is still being shown. I can't buy a new phone and plan. I've tried on different web browsers and the app but the result is the same.


Any ETA on when EE plans to fix their site?

112 REPLIES 112
EE Community Support Team

I'm confident our team will be doing everything they can to get this resolved, @sackatatties.

I can appreciate you're not happy with how this has been progressing though, and we'd always want to make sure we've looked at every option we can. 

You can log a complaint with our dedicated complaints team HERE, and they'll review the details of your case so we can be sure on where we're at with things.



I'm having the same issue trying to upgrade, my account works fine with everything else, but im getting the yellow error when trying to upgrade.

and no, I do not wish to speak to somebody on the phone, that is not accessible to everyone and there's a reason I only sort these things online.


After more than 2 years of being affected by this issue its suddenly disappeared.

I had a family account but after losing my patience (I have a lot) I moved both my daughters onto sky mobile so they could actually manage their accounts (also better terms and 1/2 the cost) and my wife onto her own account. Now it's just my own phone and a shared data sim on the account - now I can get to my profile and billing.  No communication from EE about a fix and I'm sure it's not anything EE support has done. 

I'll still be shifting to Sky soon, as the costs for what I have with EE is twice what it should be. I've lost all faith in EE and their lack of interest in fixing this problem is nothing short of disgraceful.





I'm having this exact issue and have been for about the last 6 months - is there any kid of fix for this yet @Peter_W ?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @DeaconRoc 

Welcome to the Community!

We know how important it is for you to be able to use your account, so I'm sorry to hear you've been impacted by this. If you give our team a call, they can take a look into what is happening, and work to help you get this sorted.



Unbelievable. Almost three years and this is somehow still an issue?

I'm trying to upgrade my current contract, which is a monthly contract that has run out. I keep getting this message. I've tried on the app and the same happens. If EE takes THIS long to fix such an's just not worth staying with them anymore.

Time to change providers.

I don't anticipate a reply or a resolution to this...and no, calling you because your system is broken is not a resolution, it's a workaround.


EE Community Support Team

Hi there @Cloudz 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Have you been able to try other browsers and clearing cookies and cache? 

Could you also try resetting your EE account password to see if this helps you get the upgrade details? 

Speak soon. 


Did you read the thread at all? The problem is at your end, not ours. Is this why it hasn't been fixed yet? All EE staff shrug and assume the problem is at our end? Or simply don't care? 

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @DavePL 

If you have an error when accessing the EE account and trying to upgrade on all browsers, this would need investigating by our tech guides on 150.

They can run full troubleshooting to see if there is something on the account that could be causing this error message, if not, they will check for any open support tickets and make sure your details are added, or they will open a new ticket for investigations to be completed by the relevant team. 


That's what I did. Support told me it was an known problem and linked my issue in May last year.

I've heard nothing since. I have come to the realisation that EE's technical department doesn't actually exist. No one likes to be ignored.

EE should be compensating users for lack of service.

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