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Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade


"yugyuguy.JPGUnfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do"


Seems like this error message has been posted a number of times but it's still not resolved. Despite showing I'm logged in in the top part the error messaged stating I'm not logged in is still being shown. I can't buy a new phone and plan. I've tried on different web browsers and the app but the result is the same.


Any ETA on when EE plans to fix their site?

112 REPLIES 112
EE Community Support Team

Hi @DavePL  and @phoneymorph 

If you speak with our Technical Support team, they'll be able to check through your account to see if there is anything stopping you from being able to do it. If there is an issue with your account, or the website, they can raise it through the correct channels to get it investigated further.


@Christopher_G wrote:

Hi @DavePL and @phoneymorph 

If you speak with our Technical Support team, they'll be able to check through your account to see if there is anything stopping you from being able to do it. If there is an issue with your account, or the website, they can raise it through the correct channels to get it investigated further.


There clearly is an issue with the website, this thread is the evidence? How about just skip straight to the step of raising it with the correct channels to get investigated. Why didn't someone do this years ago? I don't understand the lack of care or attention to this from EE, it's like you need to be spoon fed what to do and how to do it. It needs to be raised at a high enough level that someone with authority will understand the need for proper action and do something to fix it. Not sending it to someone low level who shrugs and goes back to sleep, or assumes (as many EE staff seem to do) it's a problem at our end, with our devices, our accounts or our browsers, rather than YOUR WEBSITE. 

Hello Leanne,

The problem isn't the browser, the cache or the cookies.  I've gone through the usual steps. The problem is this:

I can logon to your website, change my password and gift data to others in my family. 

I cannot see my profile or upgrade my phones.  Whenever I try to get there it tells me 'I need to login' after the connection attempt times out.  I login as usual and the cycle repeats.  The problem is that whatever version of pass-through authentication you're using isn't working properly (probably timing-out and causing it to lock), and not just for me. The problem is at your end - not at mine. 

I'll call your helpdesk and I suspect they'll unlock my profile. Which will work in the short term but it will reoccur and it doesn't solve the problem.  

This incident needs to be raised as a problem (denial of service/multiple users/persistent) and as a P2 and someone of the appropriate level allocated to diagnose and resolve. 


Yesterday I gave up waiting for this fix and called 150 to get my upgrade done.  I spoke to a very sensible person and got a good new SIM only contract.  There was no mention of anything unusual with my account.  I expect my account is very similar to thousands of other ones. 

I mentioned the website problems, and how many people were trying to give you money but were being scuppered by the website.  He said that the website changes so often that there could be any number of problems on any given day.  He alluded to using the app wherever possible.

Out of interest I went back to the website to see if it behaved differently given I have now completed the upgrade.  It has not.  However, I can see my new contract details there, so it is authenticating in some sense.  

Interesting, but I am also using the app on my phone and no joy there either.  Most websites are designed so that the content can be changed regularly but whats behind the website (the stuff that manages your account) typically doesn't change that often.  Just the usual updates and so on, unless it's being rebuilt or transformed. 

Spot on. As a newcomer to EE, I am appalled at the way many customers (including me) are unable to manage their accounts. EE give no indication of being concerned about it, they seem to be in denial, and I have no confidence that there will ever be a fix. I regret switching to EE.


I’m facing this issue too. Having to call 150 for these things is very frustrating. 


This is beyond a joke.  I've been unable to get to my profile for over a year now regardless of the access method.  I have a family account and both my kids are in need of an upgrade and have been for months now.  I've been told that EE have logged this issue as a priority 1 incident on the 1st of May 2024.  So much for that.

I've been with EE for years but I don't think I can stomach this level of service anymore.  I'm leaving.

EE Community Support Team

Hi again @sackatatties.

I can appreciate it must be really tough if you've been struggling with this for a while. 

We don't have account access through the Community to check on the incident, but if you get back in touch with our Technical Support team they can check to see if we have any further updates. 



It's not tough - it's ridiculous.  I can log onto the ee web site but I cant get to my profile.  That's a passthru autentication or SSO issue, that your technical team cannot seem to fix.  There are a lot of other people having the same issue and I've talked to your technical team a few times about this - all I get is "this is a known issue and we're dealing with it".

The worst thing about is EE's lack of communication, no attempt at a workaround and lethargy when it comes to resolving it.  I really don't want to talk to them yet again, I just want this fixed.  I've been a technical director and I've also ran a helpdesk for 7 years, my ears would have been bleeding if I had let this go 7 days without a resolution and the appropriate communication never mind the many months this has taken so far.  The apparent apathy over an ongoing issue that affects a significant number of people is extremely bad form and reflects poorly on EE.