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So how buggy is the new App and MyEE via

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

So, it seems like the new app and the web version of myEE is about as buggy as a website/app can be 

For me:

Roaming toggle tell me im blocked but confirmed by text to 150 and customer services that I have full roaming

The call abroad toggle is the same saying I am blocked , but again CS tell me its all setup.. 

Upgrade tells me im not eligible for an upgrade, which is wrong... 

Add another line, again tells me im not eligiblea again,.. CS tell me it all a load a rubbish... 

The whole thing seems to be unreliable and basically not fit for purpose... 

And yes its logged to EE IT's team to fix, not holding any hope it will be as if its owt like BT's it will be years before they even give 2 hoots.... 

Grand Master
Grand Master

@MozzaSec   These issues started on the old app for some users so it’s not the new app causing this issue. 

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

I know, speaking to CS this morning, it seems they are taking a lot of calls about both the App and MyEE been a piece of garbage at the moment...

When the staff wont use it, then you have a problem...

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I don't think this is being taken seriously I had to call 5 times and the registered a complaint. CS telling me to change this do that. Its the app and web system at EE that's at fault. It been a long times since Ive used any as buggy as this


Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

Totally agree, EE just dont care, that the app and MyEE is not fit for purpose

Who QA'd and UAT tested the service, and was it just thrown into the Production environment? 

Are the product team incompetent?? If they work for BT then the answer will be yes....

yes - all at ee are incompetent when is comes to web design and customer service.  

I'm off at the end of my contract after 12 years - loyalty stands for nothing now at ee.  they are quickly becoming very near the point of total desertion if they keep this up.