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Support and collections team




I have recently started to struggle financially, with having long term health issues and the rising cost I am no longer able to manage bills.

I have spoken to two EE agents so far and both said the same thing. There is no support in place, you pay your bill or don't. To enable support with EE you have to default on your account, so, in other words, don't pay your bill, wait till you are in arrears only then will collections team speak to me, at this poi t this default will go on my credit record as a missed payment, I could possibly have my phone switched off and then I won't be able to ring.

I'm a bit stuck here, don't really understand why I can't sort out payments first before I default, before it goes on record, before I get connected. I am making the effort and contacting EE for support but it seems I may aswell just have not paid bill and got into debt??!! 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Shaz88


Welcome to the EE Community. 


If you’re having trouble paying, please don’t cancel your Direct Debit or fail to make a payment. Doing this could impact your credit file and affect your chances of obtaining credit in the future.


Was any other information provided to you?


Are you aware if a promise to pay was offered?


Speak soon, 


Katie 🙂

Hi, so how do I get to collections? If I allow the payment to go out it will affect my bank as there is nothing to cover it, I'm in a no win situation, if I find the funds and pay it then I'm still in same situation, I have tried to get payment reduced and get some help but I've been told that until I default I can't get any help.

I don't indewhat I'm supposed to do, there should be support to reduce payments before this happens? But I've been told to pay it, this isn't helping or supporting people in trouble with bills.

I've always been told to talk to companies if you can't cope, I have, and the result was pay bill even if you can't afford it, so I have to default and get phone disconnected before I can get help?! Doesn't make any sense, If I miss a payment it will affect my credit anyway, so it's EE that is forcing this issue.

Why they can't help I don't know, but either way I can't get any support. If I pay bill I can't afford then it doesn't solve issue, i can only get help if I don't pay it by then I've missed a payment.

No, no one mentioned promise to pay and there was no other suggestions, I cannot go to collections because I am not behind in payments, until I do, then they can't help me. 






I have spoken to the team again, third time lucky.

So, for others who are struggling, this is what has happened now.

I spoke to a guy who advised me that when your bill rests each month if you ring after that expressing financial difficulties then you can be put thru to collections to talk about reducing payments.

I'm not sure why I wasn't told before but it seems that's what you do.


I have to ring on 30th, I can update what happens so others can find a solution.



EE Community Support Team

Thank you for the update, @Shaz88.


I'm glad to hear that you've managed to speak to someone to get some help.

